NSF EPSCoR Live! Event

NSF EPSCoR's upcoming EPSCoR Live! event.

When: Monday, September 9, from 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm (EDT) 

Audience: This EPSCoR Live! session will be of particular interest to faculty in EPSCoR jurisdictions who regularly recruit graduate students to their universities, as well as leaders within research administration in these universities.  The session will appeal to faculty from all academic disciplines supported by NSF.

Summary of Topic: In this session, Dr. Narcrisha Norman and Dr. Jeanne Small will discuss the new NSF Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) Graduate Fellowship Program (EGFP), which supports the pool of exceptionally talented individuals who received Honorable Mention from the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) within the last three years. The EGFP awards will fund graduate fellowships to new or continuing students, up to $37,000 per student annually, for up to three years for stipends and cost-of-education allowance. The EGFP program is supported by each of the eight NSF directorates and the Office of Integrative Activities, with specific topical areas considered for funding by each participating organization. This EPSCoR Live! session will expand upon the solicitation with details on the proposal process and award mechanism. 

How to Attend: Advance registration is required. Click here to register. Please use an institutional email address for registration. 

How to Submit Questions: EPSCoR Live! participants are encouraged to submit questions in advance through the registration form or by sending an email to epscor-live@nsf.gov.   

While real-time captioning will be available, requests for additional accommodations may be sent to epscor-live@nsf.gov.

If you missed the last event or would like to review the presentation again, please visit our EPSCoR Live! webpage.  

Please forward this message to faculty and other PIs within your institution who might be interested, and invite them to sign up here for NSF mailing list to receive notifications of events (such as EPSCoR Live!) and solicitations from EPSCoR.