Sidney Fellows

Undergraduate Researcher   return to map   return to student search


Fort Hall, ID (Bingham County)


Idaho State University
Undergraduate student
Biological Sciences

Feature Article   

Funded by EPSCoR Award:

GEM3 | OIA-1757324

Research Location(s):

Fort Hall, Idaho; Camas Prairie Centennial Marsh; Grays Lake National Wildlife Refuge

COUNTIES:  Bannock, Bingham, Camas, Power, Caribou

LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT(S):  District 26, District 28, District 31

Research Statement:

Sidney Fellows is a member of the Shoshone-Bannock tribes. Her plan is to help establish camas, a traditional subsistence plant, at the Fort Hall Indian Reservation, and to contribute additional information to fellow tribal members about the importance and availability of this traditional food source.

Research Impact:

Camas is a traditional food that sustained Shoshone-Bannock people for untold generations, and beyond just a food, the camas plant has cultural importance that brings tribal communities together in healthful ways. The camas research project will also document and educate how important this traditional food source is to the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes.