Carlie Sharpes

Graduate Researcher   return to map   return to student search


Boise, ID (Ada County)


University of Idaho
Graduate student
Environmental Science

Feature Article    External Webpage

Funded by EPSCoR Award:

GEM3 | OIA-1757324

Research Location(s):

Hagerman Fish Culture Experiment Station; Little Jacks, Duncan, Williams, Keithley, Whiskey Jack, Trail, Fawn, Upper Mann and Boulder creeks

COUNTIES:  Gooding, Owyhee, Washington, Elmore, Boundary

LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT(S):  District 1, District 8, District 9, District 23, District 24

Research Statement:

Growing up in Boise Idaho, Carlie Sharpes spent a considerable amount of time exploring Idaho’s landscapes and their natural beauty. Her interest in local ecology grew and helped influence her decision to pursue a graduate degree in environmental science at the University of Idaho. Through her graduate studies and interest in conservation, Sharpes became involved in research for the Idaho EPSCoR GEM3 program where she works closely with a research team at the Hagerman Fish Culture Experiment Station in Hagerman, ID. With Sharpes nearing her graduation date, she is hoping to become a conservation biologist for the local ecosystem to help aid in preserving the local ecosystem, stating, “I just hope that my work can aid in the ongoing conservation research Idaho’s native redband trout, a crucial piece of our local ecology.

Research Impact:

Sharpe’s research project aims to understand the combined effects of thermal and hypoxic stress as an additive or synergistic effect on redband trout native to desert, cool montane and cold montane distinct habitats in Idaho. This research may give vital information about the future of redband trout populations. These results can aid in modeling future population dynamics of redband as their habitat quality shifts in the face of climate change. These models can provide useful information for fisheries management and conservation of redband trout in their native range.